Party Skirt!! This is the little sister match of the Floral Skirt especially for girls and preteens ( or adults)- Girls sizes 5 yards at the hem adjustable elastic fits hips up to 36", Preteen sizes 7 yards at the hem fit hips to 45”. Plenty for twirling and fancy Gypsy skirt work as show by Emma lots of fun (little sister Ivy needs one too!)
Colors: red and white rose , rose red floral turquoise floral , purple rose shades of grey floral Silver Floralpink floralgreen floralblue floral, With your choice of matching brocade band ( matches main floral color)  or black brocade at the hem!. adjustable elastic fits hips up to 36 inches. Order by length. Xshort (20 inches), Short (22 inches), Medium length (24 inches), Long (26 inches), Xlong (28 inches).
Price Girls $68, Preteen $98

Hand crafted after I receive your order